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International Conferences

80. G. Jin and S.-Y. Lee, "3D Holography Channel Multiplexing via Casvaded Non-Hogel-Based Computer-Generated Hologram Structures", DHIP 2024, Korea, Seoul, Dec. 2024

79. Y.-G. Bae, G. Jin and S.-Y. Lee, "Using gradient descent based optimization algorithms for restoring and interpolating holograhpic video, DHIP 2024, Korea, Seoul, Dec. 2024

78. Y.-G. Bae, H.-D. Jeong, and S.-Y. Lee, "High-quality Holographic Image Reproduction Method Using Light Field Image Phase Optimizaed by Stochastic Gradient Descent Algorithm", The 24rd International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2024), Jeju island, Korea, Aug. 2024

77. I. Choi, and S.-Y. Lee, "Optimization of Broadband, Plarization-independent Metasurface Using Gradient-based Inverse Design", SPIE OPTICS+PHOTONICS, San diego, USA, Aug. 2024.

76. E.-S. Cho, and S.-Y. Lee, "Design of black matrix in meta-mirror applied micro-OLED cavity using nanoslit of vertical plasmonic resonance", SPIE OPTICS+PHOTONICS, San diego, USA, Aug. 2024.

75. Y. Kim, and S.-Y. Lee, "Angle-independent micro-OLED cavity via phase-compensating plasmonic resonant metasurface", SPIE OPTICS+PHOTONICS, San diego, USA, Aug. 2024.

74. Y. Kim, and S.-Y. Lee, "Angle-Independent Color Filtering with Metal-Insulator-Metal-Based Meta-Mirror", NANO KOREA 2024 Symposium The 22nd International Nanotech Symposium & Exhibition (NANO KOREA 2024), KINTEX, Ilsan, Korea, July 2024.

73. Y. Kim, and S.-Y. Lee, "Metal-Insulator-Metal Based Meta-Mirror for Angle Independent Color Filter," The 23rd International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2023), Busan, Korea, Aug. 2023.
72. D.-H. Shin, and S.-Y. Lee, "Enhanced Light-Field Image Resolution and Viewing Angle for Multi-Plane Holographic Images," The 23rd International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2023), Busan, Korea, Aug. 2023.
71. E.-S. Cho, and S.-Y. Lee, "Design of Spatiotemporally Correlated Propagation-Invariant Plasmonic Pulse in MetalInsulator-Metal Waveguide," The 23rd International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2023), Busan, Korea, Aug. 2023.
70. S.-Y. Lee, "Digital Hologram Transformation, Interpolation, and Optimization Using Light Field to Hologram Pattern Conversion," The 23rd International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2023), Busan, Korea, Aug. 2023 (Invited paper).

69. S.-Y. Lee, Y.-G. Bae and H.-D. Jeong, "Optical Janus Metasurface for Asymmetric Structural Coloration and its Applications", OSA Imaging and Applied Optics Congress 2021, Virtual Conference, July 2021.

68. S.-Y. Lee, W.-Y. Choi, C.-J. Lee, S.-H. Cheon, and J. Park, "Digital hologram calculation methods for enhancing viewing angle, computation speed, and depth extraction", DHIP 2020, Virtual Conference, Dec. 2020.

67. S.-Y. Lee, Y.-G. Bae, T. Kim, J. Lee, E-S. Yu and Y. Ryu, "Asymmetric optical reflection and camouflage for smart displays and sensors", IMID 2020, Virtual conference, Aug. 2020.

66. S.-Y. Lee, Y.-G. Bae, T. Kim, J. Lee, E-S. Yu and Y. Ryu, "Tunable optical Janus effect with liquid-permeable meta-film layers," The CLEO PR 2020 Conference, Virtual conference, Aug. 2020.

65. C.-J. Lee, W.-Y. Choi, J. Park, K.-J. Oh, K. Hong, K. Choi, and S.-Y. Lee, "Reforming of Computer Generated Hologram Pattern  through Angular Spectrum Domain Computation," OPIC 2020, Virtual conference, April. 2020.

64. C.-J. Lee, W.-Y. Choi, J. Park, K.-J. Oh, K. Hong, K. Choi, and S.-Y. Lee, "Interpolation and Shifting of Digital Holograms through Computations on Spatial Frequencies Domain," DHIP 2019, Gwangju, Korea, Dec. 2019.

63. W.-Y. Choi, C.-J. Lee, K.-J. Oh, K. Hong, H.-G. Choo, J. Park, and S.-Y. Lee, "Reconstruction of Computer Generated Hologram with Wider Viewing Angle Utilizing Pixelated Random Phase Mask," DHIP 2019, Gwangju, Korea, Dec. 2019.

62. S.-Y. Lee, Y.-G. Bae, T. Kim, E.-S. Yu, J. Lee, and Y.-E. Ryu, "Bruggeman-films based Fabry-Perot Etalons for tunable optical
structural coloration," DHIP 2019, Gwangju, Korea, Dec. 2019.

61. W.-Y. Choi, K.-J. Oh, K.Hong, H.-G. Choo, J.Park, and S.-Y. Lee, "Generation of CGH with Expanded Viewing Angle by Using the Scattering Properties of the Random Phase Mask,"  FiO, Washington D.C, United States, September 2019.

60. S.-W. Moon, and S.-Y. Lee, "Detecting polarization states via plasmonic polarizers consisting of distributed nanoslit pair," FiO, Washington D.C, United States, September 2019.

59. S.-Y. Lee, "The use of chalcogenide phase change materials for optical phase control and its plasmonic application," SPIE DCS, Baltimore, Maryland, United States, May 2019

58. H.-D. Jeong, and S.-Y. Lee, "Broadband active tuning of perfect light absorption with a thin-film phase change material stacked on metal-dielectric multilayers," SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, California, United States, February 2019.

57. S.-W. Moon, and S.-Y. Lee, "Plasmonic lenses consisting of distributed nanoslits for polarization-independent near-field generation," SPIE OPTO, San Francisco, California, United States, February 2019.

56. H.-D. Jeong, and S.-Y. Lee, "Tunable Plasmonic absorber Using Ge2Sb2Te5-inserted multilayer" DHIP 2018, Osaka, Japan, Dec. 2018

55. S.-W. Moon, and S.-Y. Lee, "Invariant plasmonic vortex generation for arbitrary polarized incident light with distributed nano-aperture" DHIP 2018, Osaka, Japan, Dec. 2018

54. S.-Y. Lee, "Metasurfaces for complex hologram generation and plasmonic vortex field manipulation," DHIP 2018, Osaka, Japan, Dec. 2018

53. S.-Y. Lee, and S.-W. Moon, "Design method of nanoslit-distributed plasmonic vortex lens for geometric and detour phase multiplexing," A3 Metaforum, Pohang, Korea, August 2018.

52. S.-W. Moon and S.-Y. Lee, "Distributed Nano Slit Patterns for Off-axis Plasmonic Vortex Generation," NANO KOREA 2018, KINTEX, Ilsan, Korea, July 10-13.

51. H.-D. Jeong and S.-Y. Lee, "Design of nanocavity for tunable extraordinary optical transmission using phase-change material," NANO KOREA 2018, KINTEX, Ilsan, Korea, July 10-13.

50. S.-Y. Lee, "Plasmonic directional switching and optical phase controlling with PCM-based nanostructures," NANO KOREA 2018, KINTEX, Ilsan, Korea, July 10-13.

49. S.-Y. Lee, S.-W. Moon, G.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Meta-atoms for arbitrary tuning of plasmonic vortex by using geometric and detour phase multiplexing," META2018, Marseille, France, June 24.

48. S.-Y. Lee, "Design of transparent and reflection type digital hologram patterns using a chalcogenide phase change material," The 22th Annual Joint Workshop on Advanced Electronic Technology and Application, Fuzhou University, China, Oct. 2017.

47. S.-Y. Lee, Y.-H. Kim, G.H Kim, T.-Y Kim, S.-M. Cho, H. Ryu, J.-E. Pi, J.-H. Yang, J.-H. Choi, and C.-S. Hwang, "Digital holography using a thermally driven phase-change material,"  The 16th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2016), Jeju, Korea. (Invited talk), Aug. 2016. 

46. S.-Y. Lee, G.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Design of line-envelope metasurface for complex surface plasmon amplitude generation," The 5th Korea-Japan Metamaterials Forum, Seoul, Korea, pp. 52-53, June 2015.

45. S.-Y. Lee, S. Kim, K. Kim, and B. Lee, "Directional control of surface plasmon hot spot with double nanoslit segment arrays," The 3rd Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'14), part of Optics & Photonics International Congress (OPIC 2014), Yokohama, Japan, paper ALPS-p32, pp. 209-210, Apr. 2014.

44. S.-Y. Lee, H. Yun, K. Lee, Y. Lee, I.-M. Lee, and B. Lee, "Study on nanoslit-coupling to metal-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguide for compact plasmonic color splitter," The 6th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics(SPP6), Ottawa, Canada, paper Th-30-P-28, p.500, May 2013.

43. S.-Y. Lee, I.-M. Lee, Y. Lim, B. Lee, and K.-Y. Kim, "Birefringence-like effect in hybrid MIM plasmonic waveguide," The 5th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Busan, Korea, Abstracts vol. 2, paper ThP-109, p. 438, May 2011.

42. S.-Y. Lee, H. Yun, K. Lee, Y. Lee, I.-M. Lee, and B. Lee, "Study on nanoslit-coupling to metal-insulator-metal plasmonic waveguide for compact plasmonic color splitter," The 6th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics(SPP6), Ottawa, Canada, paper Th-30-P-28, p.500, May 2013.

41. S.-Y. Lee, J. Park, I.-M. Lee, and B. Lee, "Analysis and fabrication of plasmonic beam splitter based on the evanescent plasmon mode," Third International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA 2011), Seefeld, Tirol, Austria, paper TUE4f.66, Jan. 2011.

40. S.-Y. Lee, M. Kang, I.-M. Lee, and B. Lee, "High-efficiency dielectric-bridge interconnection for metal-dielectric-metal plasmonic waveguides," Third International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA 2011), Seefeld, Tirol, Austria, paper TUE4f.67, Jan. 2011.

39. S.-Y. Lee, J. Park, H. Kim, S.-W. Cho, M. Kang, and B. Lee, "Controlling the state of surface plasmon vortex by changing the topoligical charge and polarization state," Plasmonics : Metallic nanostructures and their optical properties VIII, SPIE Optics and Photonics, San Diego, CA, USA, Proc. SPIE, vol. 7757, paper 7757-128, Aug. 2010.

38. B. Lee, H. Yun, S.-Y. Lee, "Plasmonic slits for beaming and color filters," The 5th Conference on Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/Nano-optics (AOM 2015), Hangzhou, China, Oct. 2015.

37. J.-G. Yun, J. Kim, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Numerical study on plasmonic sensor based on double-side metal-coated dielectric nanoslit array," The 76th JSAP Autumn Meeting 2015, Nagoya, Japan, paper 13a-2C-2, Sep. 2015.

36. G.-Y. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Plasmonic Vortex Lens with Distributed Nanoslits for Arbitrary Tuning of Vortex Size," The 11th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim(CLEO-PR 2015), Busan, Korea, paper 26P-72, Aug. 2015.

35. H. Park, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Complex Modulation by One-Port Absorbing Structure in Plasmonic MIM Waveguide," The 11th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim(CLEO-PR 2015), Busan, Korea, paper 26P-75, Aug. 2015.

34. Y. Lim, S. -Y. Lee, B. Lee, H.-G. Choo, and J. Kim, "Plasmonic Wavefront Detection by the Use of Transport of Intensity Equation," The 15th International Meeting on Information Display (IMID 2015), Daegu, Korea, paper P1-120, Aug. 2015.

33. H. Yun, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Plasmonic color pixels," The 7th International Conference on Information Optics and Photonics, Nanjing, China, July 2015. (Invited paper)

32. S.-E. Mun, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Direct dual dark mode excitation in symmetric metasurface," The 5th Korea-Japan Metamaterials Forum, Seoul, Korea, pp. 69-70, June 2015.

31. S.-J. Kim, K. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Floating Thin Plasmonic Graded-Index Lens," The 7th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics(SPP7), Jerusalem, Israel, paper Th-04-P-74, May 2015.

30. K. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, J. Hong, and B. Lee, "Polarization-sensitive coherent plasmon cavity" Applied Optics and Photonics China (AOPC 2015), Beijing, China, May 2015.

29. B. Lee, and S.-Y. Lee, "Meta-slits for plasmonic focus control," The 4th Japan-Korea Metamaterials Forum, Osaka, Japan, paper IT17, pp. 26-27, Dec. 2014. (Invited paper)

28. B. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, and K. Lee, "Directional Control of Plasmonic Waves and Vortices for Potential Sensor Applications," Asia Communications and Photonics Conference 2014 (ACP 2014), Shanghai, China, paper AW3I.1, Nov. 2014. (Invited paper)

27. B. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, and I.-M. Lee, "Plasmonic wave control techniques using polarization and interference," Optics and Photonics Japan 2014 (OPJ 2014), Tokyo, Japan, paper 6pCS1, Nov. 2014. (Invited paper)

26. Y. Lee, E.-Y. Song, S.-Y. Lee, J. Kim, J. Cho, B. Lee, "Numerical study on rotational force in a bi-layered gammadion chiral metamaterial," Sixth International Conference on Optical, Optoelectronic and Photonic Materials and Applications, Leeds, UK, paper 00212, July, 2014.

25. B. Lee and S.-Y. Lee, "Plasmonic beam steering and selective focusing with nano-slits," The 12th International Nanotech Symposium and Nano-Convergence Expo - Nano Korea 2014, Seoul, Korea, paper TS02_2, July 2014 (Invited paper).

24. H. Yun, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Multiple surface plasmon resonances in a thin metal layer with long-period metal gratings," The 12th International Nanotech Symposium and Nano-Convergence Expo - Nano Korea 2014, Seoul, Korea, paper P1402_036, July 2014.

23. B. Lee, K. Lee, T. Chung, J.-B. Park, S.-Y. Lee, and H. Yun, "Plasmonic hot spots: theoretical and practical limit for sensor applications," The 23rd International Conference on Optical Fibre Sensors, Santander, Spain, Proc. SPIE, vol. 9157, 915702 (#9157-673), June 2014 (Invited paper).

22. B. Lee and S.-Y. Lee, "Nano-slits for directional generation of plasmonic patterns," The 5th International Conference on Metamaterials, Photonic Crystals and Plasmonics (META'14), Singapore, pp. 1067-1069, May 2014 (Invited paper).

21. H. Park, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Plasmonic metasurface induced off-axis coherent perfect absorber," The 3rd Advanced Lasers and Photon Sources (ALPS'14), part of Optics & Photonics International Congress (OPIC 2014), Yokohama, Japan, paper ALPS-p35, pp. 215-216, Apr. 2014.

20. J.-B. Park, I.-M. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Tunable hot spot based on the VO2 phase transition materials," The 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, and The 18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/Photonics in Switching 2013(CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013), Kyoto, Japan, paper TuPI-27, June - July, 2013.

19. K. Kim, S.-Y. Lee, J.-B. Park, and B. Lee, "Switchable beaming from metal slit by controlling excitation phase of surface plasmons," The 10th Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics Pacific Rim, and The 18th OptoElectronics and Communications Conference/Photonics in Switching 2013(CLEO-PR & OECC/PS 2013), Kyoto, Japan, paper TuPI-12, June - July, 2013.

18. I.-M. Lee, Y. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Transformation optical two-dimensional skew-expansion slab," The 3rd Korea-Japan Metamaterials Forum, Seoul, Korea, pp. 112-113, June 2013.

17. B. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, and I.-M. Lee, "Unidirectional excitation of surface plasmon polaritons from a metallic slit," The 3rd Korea-Japan Metamaterials Forum, Seoul, Korea, pp. 34-35, June 2013 (Invited paper).

16. W. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, J. Kim, S. C. Kim, and B. Lee, "Optical properties with the dependency on the coherence length of light in multilayer structures," The 17th Optoelectronics and Communications Conference (OECC 2012), Busan, Korea, paper P2-51, pp. 699-700, July 2012.

15. B. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, and I.-M. Lee, "Polarization-manipulated unidirectional excitation of surface plasmon polaritons from metallic nano-slit," The 2nd Japan-Korea Metamaterials Forum, Tsukuba, Japan, pp. 28-29, June 2012 (Invited paper).

14. T. Chung, Y. Lim, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Transmission enhancement with the array of faced folded metallic rods embedded in a metallic slit," 2012 Conference on Lasers and Electro-Optics (CLEO 2012), San Jose, California, USA, paper QF1D.7, May 2012.

13. B. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, J. Park, I.-M. Lee, and S. Roh, "Plasmonic field enhancement and hot spot generation for sensor applications," Third Asia Pacific Optical Sensors Conference, Sydney, Australia, Proceedings of SPIE, vol. 8351, pp. 83512P-1 - 83512P-7, Jan.-Feb. 2012 (Invited paper).

12. J. Park, S. Oh, S.-W. Cho, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Generation of caustic network by using surface plasmon polariton," The 5th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Busan, Korea, Abstracts vol. 1, paper ThE-5, p. 128, May 2011.

11. Y. Lim, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Efficient generation of plasmonic Bessel beam based on modified Kretschmann configuration," The 5th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Busan, Korea, Abstracts vol. 2, paper MP-101, p. 146, May 2011.

10. I.-M. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, J. Park, J. Jung, K.-Y. Kim, and B. Lee, "Local backward power flow at the transmission minima in a periodic subwavelength metal slit array," The 5th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Busan, Korea, Abstracts vol. 2, paper ThP-97, p. 426, May 2011.

9. J. Park, S.-Y. Lee, B. Lee, and H. Kim, "Beam focusing with the subwavelength metal slit surrounded by metal-dielectric composite surface gratings," The 5th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Busan, Korea, Abstracts vol. 2, paper ThP-105, p. 434, May 2011.

8. D. Choi, S. Roh, and B. Lee, "Linearly apodized Bragg grating in MIM waveguide," The 5th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Busan, Korea, Abstracts vol. 2, paper ThP-108, p. 437, May 2011.

7. H. Kim, J. Park, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Convergence improvement in Fourier modal analysis of binary metallic grating structures," The 5th International Conference on Surface Plasmon Photonics, Busan, Korea, Abstracts vol. 2, paper ThP-136, p. 465, May 2011.

6. B. Lee, J. Park, H. Kim, S.-W. Cho, S.-Y. Lee, and I.-M. Lee, "Plasmonic vortex, focusing, and hot spot generation," Third International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA 2011), Seefeld, Tirol, Austria, paper TUE3s.1, Jan. 2011 (Invited paper).

5. J. Park, H. Kim, S.-W. Cho, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Color filter based on chromatic plasmonic vortex," Third International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA 2011), Seefeld, Tirol, Austria, paper WED4f.15, Jan. 2011.

4. J.-B. Park, D.-H. Oh, D. Choi, I.-M. Lee, S.-Y. Lee, and B. Lee, "Optical transmission enhancement in vertically-tapered bowtie-aperture," Third International Topical Meeting on Nanophotonics and Metamaterials (NANOMETA 2011), Seefeld, Tirol, Austria, paper WED4f.42, Jan. 2011.

3. B. Lee, I.-M. Lee, and S.-Y. Lee, "Plasmonic beaming and focusing methods," International Conference on Fiber Optics and Photonics (Photonics 2010), Guwahati, India, Viva Books, p. 19, Dec. 2010 (Invited paper).

2. B. Lee and S.-Y. Lee, "Plasmonic beam shaping and hot spot generation," Advances in Optoelectronics and Micro/nano-optics (AOM 2010), Guangzhou, China, Dec. 2010 (Invited paper).

1. B. Lee, J. Park, S.-Y. Lee, H. Kim, S.-W. Cho, and S. Kim, "Plasmonic diffractive optics - its analogy to classical diffractive optics and use for subwavelength metallic devices," OSA's 94th Annual Meeting - Frontiers in Optics 2010 (FiO 2010), Rochester, New York, USA, paper FThBB2, Oct. 2010 (Invited paper).

Integrated Plasmonics and Optical Device Lab 

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